I confess...Im a ditz

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Vodka and Soda

It's Wednesday and I am linking up with Kathy at Vodka and Soda because she rocks and if you're not linking up you're missing out on some AWESOME blog posts! Wednesday is my favorite day in blogland, all the confessions are funny to read and it makes my workday go so much faster.

Instead of a bunch of confessions, I only have one today and the story is kinda funny so let me show you just how stupid I can be. First off let me remind you I am a highschool and college graduate with a teaching degree that's probably the worst part about this.

Mike and I are sitting at Longhorn ordering our dinner before we head to a friend's engagement party.  He then shows me this picture on facebook...
I said sure let's do it! I then got to reading and I was like I'm confused what am I supposed to eat for breakfast. He said chicken. I was like no this is a guide it's not a meal plan I can eat like eggs or something for breakfast. We argued back and forth he said this is it and there is no wiggle room. Then I said it.... the line that changed the night.

I can eat eggs...eggs are chicken.
I wish I could say I immediately wanted to take it back. I wish I could say I knew it was wrong. I can't I am a fuckin' idiot sometimes. 
Mike: No the F it isn't you're an idiot.
Me: Yes it is..its fuckin protein dude google it.
Mike: Fine I will but you're so wrong.
Me: Uhmm it comes from a chicken
Mike: So its not a chicken you can't eat it. Google says its a dairy.
Me: Its not a fucking dairy you're an asshole.

Are you feeling the love we have towards one another? HA!

By the way eggs are totally in the meat section of the food pyramid... I'm not a total moron!

Our argument was never solved and I confess I am an idiot who thinks eggs are chicken.

You're welcome!

I have one more confession for you also that just arrived via text.

I confess I am the mayor of loserville. Apparently complaining to your boyfriend and little brother that you have no girlfriends makes them feel like they need to make me a profile on POF for best friend dates.

Im going to kill them... SERIOUSLY!


  1. Hahahaha! The fact that they made you a profile for girlfriends is so sweet and terrible all at the same time!

  2. When I say things that are just dumb I keep talking too.... and just look dumber. They did NOT make a profile for you for gf dates? Seriously?!?! jerks!

  3. It's alright Brittney. I consider myself fairly smart yet I say some of the dumbest things. We can't be great at everything. :) Maybe you should consider a move so that you can be closer to me and our friendship can be real life. :)

  4. hahahahaha!! Thanks for the laugh today! Reminds me of the Jessica Simpson Chicken of the Sea:)

  5. Chickens comes from eggs so you are not completely off base. I don't see why you would not be able to eat eggs for the challenge, or at least whites because it is a low-fat protein. Do you have Meetup where you live? I met many of my friend when I first moved through those groups, I mostly did the all girl ones because the co-ed ones were like being on a dating show. If might have just been the first one I went to, but I literally had a group of guys lined up asking me questions...it was so weird (and it was not advertised as a singles group either!).

  6. I can totally see the egg/chicken conundrum! You figured it out.

  7. LOL your line "eggs are chicken" so good! I told by bf that I wasn't eating dairy and he said so you aren't eating eggs, I was like that shit is not dairy and even if it is I'm still eating them. Dumb!

  8. LOL this is almost along the lines of Jessica Simpson questioning Chicken of the Sea. Just sayin'. But love you anyways!

    What is POF?

  9. I say you're close enough - eggs are more chicken than dairy! (Who eats chicken for breakfast anyway... that's just crazy.)

  10. haha chickens come from eggs dont they? I totally see your logic haha (but they are still not chickens)

  11. eggs are not dairy; dairy is milk based.

    eggs are an incredible source of protein!! they suggest fish/chicken because those are great sources of protein but then so are legumes :) so as long as you're eating protein, you're good.

    thanks for linking up!

    Vodka and Soda

  12. Not that this helps - but I totally agree with you that eggs are somewhat chicken. Seriously. PLUS eggs are pretty much the worlds best protein so regardless of whether they are chicken or not I am sure you can eat it on that challenge diet! And I feel your pain on the girlfriends department, all mine are moving away and I might need to go on girlfriend blind dates soon to fill some holes...

  13. Lol... eggs are some kind of grey area!!! They are protein, I know that much!!

  14. In your defense, I totally agree that you can have eggs on that food challenge. Definitely protein. :)

  15. Wait...eggs aren't chicken?! lol

  16. Haha love it! I saw dumb stuff all the time and only realize it when someone explains it to me....I'm ashamed to say I don't always see the point they're makin haha

  17. No lie, that sounds like something I would say during one of my moments. I have stupid moments and I'm proud of them.

    Eggs are totally protein and you can have them.

  18. Bahahahahahahaha! I'm dying... did they seriously make you a POF profile for finding friends?! That's the best thing I've heard in a long ass time!!! haahhaahah

  19. LMFAO! This was too funny! But I totally got your back, girl. Eggs are beginning chickens so you can totally eat them. Hahaha.

    And at least they care enough to make you a profile! Hahaha.

  20. Eggs are still protein, so I think you would still be doing well with that!!

  21. Haha, that "I don't always say something stupid..." image is totally me!

    And eggs are totally not dairy! Not technically chicken either... ;) But don't worry we all have moments like this!

  22. I definitely agree that you can have eggs for that food challenge! It's great protein! And no worries, we all have our moments. ;)

  23. That's a thing, though? You can look for best friends on a dating site? I'm intrigued, haha...

  24. agreed with the commentor that suggested meetup.com for meeting girlfriends! that's how i found my book club and a local blog meetup group, and both are great! :)


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