June Recap/ July Goals

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

So it's July 1st! Wow this year is flying by, dude I cant even think about Christmas being in 5 months and I have 3 kids to buy for...Why isn't Santa legit? Anyway Im off topic. Let's see how I did on my June goals.

1. Get a tan even if its in my backyard because of said stupid boat! I am still pale but I got a slight tan that works for me!

2. Lose 3 more lbs  I almost met this goal I lost 2 BUT I've also lost 2 inches in my waist this month! Im calling that a success.

3. Complete the #1000in30 challenge I didn't think I was going to make this, but I sucked it up and completed a total of  1110  minutes in June. Check out my instagram for all my #1000in30 posts @brittnic2320

4. Take my boys camping. This didn't happen, between baseball tournaments and my child staying gone pretty much all summer well yeah it didn't happen.

5. Read a book. I finished Revealed I loved all the House of Night books, but this one I really struggled to finish and it's not the last one, maybe it will be better.

6. Go one day completely unplugged. I can't leave my phone at home because of my children but I did vow to stay off social media and I did that last Saturday.

7. Take a day and pamper myself I had court the other day (more on that later) and it actually only lasted 15 minutes which meant I had the whole day to myself. I went for a run, went to Starbucks, got my nails done, and ended the day with Sushi :)

On to July's goals :)

 1. Successfully quit smoking (1 week today)

  2. Run 6 miles a few times a week. Right now I am topping off at 5, I want to go up to 6.

  3. Continue Clean eating.

  4. Clean at least one room of the house everyday so it's not a complete disaster.

  5. Complete 1200 minutes of exercise.

  6. Track how many miles I run this month.

  7. Take my kids somewhere fun instead of binge watching Netflix on the weekends.


  1. YAY on the not smoking! Keep it up! You are doing fantastic!

  2. Oh my goodness!! I LOVE your nails, may have to copy them next time I go to the salon ;)

  3. Yay! One week down... The rest of your life to go!!!! I'm proud!!!

    And your nails look fucken amazing!!

  4. Awesome job on your goals!!!! I am going to have to set up the minutes of exercise goal!! That sounds so doable!!!

  5. Love your nails! Setting a goals list is such a good idea!

  6. way to go on your goals lady! good luck this month!

  7. I didn't make the 1000 minute thing. I was going to but then I fell off the health wagon for the month of June. After being off it for two weeks and I still have 1230829 of my sons baseball games to drive everywhere for and a 1st birthday party extravaganza to plan I decided EFF HEALTHY LIVING (this month anyway). As of yesterday I am back on the healthy eating and I hope to get in some exercise soon... tonight is my sons last baseball game so hopefully things will slow down.

  8. cute nails. fake? or real?

    you accomplished so much.


  9. You did a great job in June and you'll be fabulous in July!

    Good luck continuing with the smoking goal. You should be proud of yourself!

  10. Congrats on quitting!!! It is quite the journey as well, so keep at it!

  11. Your nails are gorg! And YAYYY to quitting smoking!!

  12. You rocked it last month!! That's awesome that you stuck to not smoking! Great job. :D

  13. Good luck with your goals!

    I have a slight tan too--I'm still pale, but at least it's something.

  14. Great job in June! This is much more than I did in June, hahahaha!! :)

  15. Your mani is so cute! I love the sparkly party nail!

  16. Those nails are super cute! I love the bright color! Also, I hope you complete all your goals especially the clean eating one b/c that's sooo hard to do!


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