Drawing inspiration...

Friday, July 25, 2014

JVKom Chronicles

I love Jen's link ups they keep me accountable and Ive missed the last 3 of these!

So let's make up for that shall we? Today's topic is:

  'what is your favorite place that you draw inspiration from. It could be a certain person, a program, a reason you do it, a place, the list goes on and on.'

I have a lot of things I draw inspiration from. Sometimes I let the road inspire me, to see a long open road energizes me and inspires me to just keep going.

Sometimes my own journey inspires me, I never see how far I have left, I always draw inspiration on how far I've come, how much I've changed, how much stronger I am than I was 2 years ago.

Sometimes my boyfriend inspires me. He doesn't let me make excuses and he always pushes me to go harder even when I don't want to. I remember one month I had just given up. I wouldn't work out and I was eating like crap. I said Ugh I feel like shit and he looked at me and said why don't you go for a run and then tell me how you feel. I was pissed I (being an irrational female) assumed he was calling me fat. I laced up my shoes and stormed out the door. I ran, and I ran hard. When I got back I felt much better...he pushed me to make me feel better.

Sometimes my kids inspire me, they have so much energy and are carefree and truly enjoy being outside and soaking up the sun. I want that too.

Other bloggers inspire me more than they'll ever know.

Pinterest inspires me to try new things.

There is a world of inspiration out there..go find you some!


  1. You inspire me! Stay strong lady and I love reading about your accomplishments!

  2. A little inspiration never hurt anyone :)

    Have a great weekend girl!

  3. "There is a world of inspiration out there..go find you some! "

    I love that sentence. You are SO RIGHT... you just need to LOOK for inspiration. Just keep your eyes open. The world is full of it!

    Great post!

  4. oh wow, what a great topic! i am definitely inspired by friends (online and in real life) and my husband makes health and fitness a priority so it makes me want to as well :) although sometimes i am inspired to sit on the couch and do nothing.

  5. YOU inspire me :) you have such a positive attitude. Thanks for sharing your list this week!

  6. i agree; you can find inspiration everywhere...you just have to take the time to look

    Vodka and Soda

  7. Those are all great things/people to be inspired by. Such a good topic.

  8. It's kind of amazing how much kids can inspire us, isn't it?


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