
Monday, July 21, 2014

So we went to court

If you're new here my story is here, here, and here so this is really like part 4. I left off telling you all that we had court and my ex-husband was facing jail time. Since February he and I were getting along for the boys' sake and he started paying me child support. Can I just go ahead and say that a leopard doesn't change his spots or whatever that saying is? Anyway I'm ahead of myself. I wrote a letter to the judge requesting that he did not get any jail time for the sake of his three children, however I did not wish to drop the charges.

I don't exactly know what happened other than my wishes were not met. We showed up to court the judge said he had to pay some fines and when the fines were paid off the charges were dismissed. WHAT THE F%^*?! I didn't want the charges dropped I wanted that stuff to be on his record. I wanted that to follow him the way it follows me.

Guess what happened after that? Yeah no more child support. *eye roll* I knew he was only doing what he had to, to avoid jail time and not because he was really trying to change. So this my friends makes the 19858709340685983 time he has manipulated me into doing exactly what he wants. Why am I so freakin stupid?

I guess I could have said something to the judge I could have made a big scene but I didn't. I walked out of the court room, went right next door and got my pistol permit. I also have a brand new shiny (PINK) 380 to go along with it. I obviously can't rely on the law to protect me.  As long as they're getting money well I guess F anyone else.

Now Im not sure where to go from here. I don't want to keep my sons from seeing their father bc last time that only ended badly for me with a very heartbroken seven year old. However every time said seven year old comes home he tells me something that makes me want to go absolutely mama bear on the idiots that reside at my previous home. I look back at the last 10 years and I think to myself REALLY? That is the life you chose? I am forever thankful for my boys and they are the 2 wonderful blessings that came from that relationship, but if I could still have my kids and do it all over again boy would I have avoided his ass like the black plague.

I thought that this would be the end. I thought that justice would be served and I would feel like I was finally stronger than him but that didn't happen. He played me just like all the other times before and I'm left angry and bitter about it.

I have to get past this place. I have to quit seeking revenge and seek forgiveness. I have to move on with my life and figure out  a way to make it a healthy environment for the boys.

I really just dont know where to go from here. I wish it was an easy break and I would never have to see or hear from him again but we have children together which means from now on I will have to deal with him.

I guess I need to declare this moment on my starting over point. No more looking back and letting my past haunt me. I have a bright future I have wonderful kids and I will not let that evil bring me down any more.

The justice in all this is that I don't need to see him unhappy to feel happy. I dont need to seek revenge. I am in a good place in my life. Overcoming the chains that have held me down for so long is justice in itself.

I am finally free... because I am happy..I am strong... I am no longer allowing hate in my heart.


  1. The justice system is flawed in many ways. You are a smart woman and you will make the best decision for your boys! You are choosing happiness which is the best decision you could make. It sucks that it turned out this way but the thing with men like him... he will mess up again and he will not be able to get away with this forever.

  2. I just read the entire story. It breaks my heart for you and your babies! You are obviously SUCH a strong woman and mother. You won't let him take you down. You are doing everything in your power to keep you and your babies safe, and that is what matters the most!

  3. It sucks that you are stuck dealing with him because of the kids, but when your kids get older they are going to realize everything you did for them and how much their dad didn't do and they will be so grateful for what a great mom you are.

  4. I went back to read the other stories before reading this one and all I can say is wow. I am so sorry that you and your kids had to go through this, but I am proud of you for how strong you are and for standing up to him. Never beat yourself up...take care of yourself and your children that's what's most important. You would not be the first person I've heard say that the law wasn't looking out for them and that's sad because we look to these people to protect us and when they don't what options do you have?

  5. I'm sorry. That would be frustrating. You're doing a good job being the bigger person.

  6. Hi Brittney! I am a first time reader but I love this post. I mean, obvi I don't love what happened to you in Court or your ex but I do love how honest you are! Just remember that the best revenge is success! xo

  7. it's so incredibly tough when kids are involved because if he's a douche, your kids feel it. but you're doing it right by letting go of the past and only looking to the future for you and your boys. if your ex chooses to ruin his life and continue on his path of destruction or whatever,r let him. do what you need to do to protect your kids even if that means not letting him see them until he gets his shit together and stops messing up their lives/can provide a good (part time) home to them.

  8. So agree with the last quote. Im an attorney so things like this dont surprise me anymore. Injustice happens and it sucks. I would monitor any interaction though and record every thing out of the ordinary that he says or does. Just in case. Keep that chin up and keep positive. Lets hope he really changes but if he doesnt be armed and prepared not only with your gun but with a significant amount of evidence :)

  9. oh hun I am so sorry to hear it. but it sounds like you are amazingly strong and a wonderful parent. your kids are so lucky to have you!

  10. Good for you!! Happiness truly is the best revenge.

  11. I can only imagine how much harder this is when kids are involved too. The best thing you can definitely do is move on for your sake and for your kids :).

  12. I am soo sorry that this happened to you. I've had a couple of times where things in court didn't go the way they should have. Justice was definitely not served. Makes it hard to trust the system.

  13. Honestly, I would have just let him get locked up. It would be tough on the kids, but eventually when they get older and find out the whole story they'll understand. It sucks that you had to go through this for so long, but I'm glad that you're trying to get past it and you're not letting it stop you from being happy.


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