
Monday, August 4, 2014

Leaps of faith

I HAVE WENT (thanks anonymous for correcting my grammar) on several interviews only to be disappointed. Remember that second grade position that opened up, and the principal told me to apply? Well I did and last Thursday I had an interview. She basically threw the interview questions to the side and said I am not going to ask you these questions I already know you know this stuff, BUT I need to see you in action.

She didn't give me the position. She told me in order for her to hire me on full time she wanted to see what I could do. She offered me two long term subbing positions to test me out so to speak. In order to take these two positions I would have to quit my job, and I would have income until November but after that well I am pretty much S.O.L.

Mike and I discussed it and I quit my job. I feel like I am going to throw up, and I am worried sick that I won't be able to provide for my children once this job ends. I start today, the very first day of school. For the next 14 weeks I have to prove to them that I can do this, and that I will be an effective teacher.

I don't know what is going to happen in the winter.... being without a job right before Christmas is terrifying me. I felt like this is what I needed to do to get my foot in the door. This is how I make my dream come true.

Faith is believing in the unknown right?

I am scared. I have never been the type of person to not have control. I make lists, I budget, I need structure and order and I just threw that out the window.

Please pray for my family and me that I am successful at this.

Scared out of my mind.


  1. You can DO THIS!
    If the long-term assignment ends, then you put in to substitute with all the districts around. I know even with my probationary cert I got calls everyday, at the sub rate it all worked out. It all adds experience (which is what is lacking to get that first official fte position!)

  2. someone corrected your grammar? lol. anyway...
    omg congrats girl! that is awesome. it will all work out for the best, i am positive you will rock it and they will hire you at the end.

  3. Best of luck to you. It sounds like the leap of faith you needed and I hope nothing but the best for you and your kids!

  4. First off... I LOVE the new layout! Who designed it for you? I know you are going to do well. Sometimes you have to take a chance. You are going to nail it!

  5. Oh my goodness!!! Congrats on the long term sub position!! For what it's worth I think you did the right thing. You had to go for your dream and I am guessing that you are going to rock it out and they will offer you the perm job!!! I am in awe of you just going for it. I am terrified all the time and haven't found the courage yet to move on to my next step, whatever that is, good for you!

  6. Oh girl leaps of faith are just that ... leaps. You dont know where you will land but you jump anyway! While scary this sounds super exciting and I hope it works out just the way you want it to. Also have fun with it, you'll be that much closer to your dream goal!

  7. Girl I hope and pray things go well and that this is to help you get your foot in the door and many things happen good to you and your family. I have an interview thursday and I'm terrified myself. but I know it's a God sent b/c the week before last I got a rejection letter and the week after I got a call for an interview.

  8. Girl, you got this!!! You have a great chance to prove yourself, and they obviously want you because they encouraged you to come back for a second position.

    If you are worried about income after the sub position is up, you are ending right before the holiday season. ALLLLLL the retail places will be looking for extra help. Maybe apply for a seasonal job when they start looking in October just to have a back up if it makes you feel better. You can always not take it once the time comes.

  9. Sometimes the bigger risks result in the greater rewards. Good luck in the subbing position. Even if they don't offer you a position afterwards you will have padded your resume with 4 months of teaching experience.

  10. Good luck! I really hope you find something.

  11. OMG I am so excited for you!!! You are going to nail this! I just know it!! FINALLY!!! whooo hoooo!!!

  12. I am sending prayers your way! I love your new blog design. I ope everything works out. I can't imagine how scary that is, but I have felt the fear of the unknown before and it's terrifying.

  13. Don't worry you will do great! I have faith in you, where there's a will there's a way. Plus we have Christ, pray about it and seek his will he will lead you where you need to be! ;)

    God bless,
    XO, Claire

  14. I wish you the best! I am sure you will kick ass.

  15. You will Rock it!!!! Congrats to you for taking bold steps toward your dreams!!!!

  16. You got this! I'm pretty sure that principal is just testing you so you can push yourself. The fact that she offered you the sub positions shows that she probably already knows you're fully capable of handling the permanent position, she just wants to make sure that you're confident in yourself. You'll do great!

    And P.S., loving the new design!

  17. I will say my mom did this when she got back into teaching after being out for over a decade and they hired her for the first available position once the short-term was over, which ended up being finishing out the school year in that position. Good luck!!

  18. I think it's awesome that you did that! Lots of people would be unwilling to take that step, even if it could lead to something great! So, congratulation, and I can't wait to hear about the rest of your journey :)

  19. You're going to be great! I do think you need to put yourself in positions like that to get full time employment in the teaching field.

  20. It will be okay!!! You said that a principal told you you didn't have enough experience to be hired as a full time teacher but with this this will help and give you experience and make you a more desirable candidate in the future!!

  21. Wait, so if you can prove yourself, then you'll get hired on?? You got this!!! I loved long term subbing last year--much better than regular subbing, IMO.

  22. You're taking a leap of faith! Just know that God has got your back and will provide for you! You will pass this test! I'll send up a prayer for you. Congrats, girly! :-)

  23. You've got this (yep, I am finally catching up). This has been your dream and you will pass. Rock it!


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