
Wednesday, August 6, 2014

I confess... Im old

Vodka and Soda
Okay first and foremost going from a job that has you sitting for 9 hours to teaching is one heck of a transition and for the last two days I have wanted to go straight to bed once I got home so I am sorry for my lack of visitation. However I always love confessions and though I better get some typed up.

I confess I threw my back out Sunday BY SNEEZING! Yes I am officially old. :(
I confess I am ABSOLUTELY loving being at the school everyday!!!

I confess I tried to look my absolute best on Monday for the first day. Wearing heels and teaching do not go together HELLO GIANT BISTER ON MY FOOT... I will be wearing old lady orthopedic shoes from now on. LOL jk. Maybe
By the end of the day I looked like this

I confess that I am pretty sure the  other teachers are thinking something is seriously wrong with me. I have had a big cheesy grin on my face from day one from 6:45 to 4:30 I am really really happy LOL
Alright I have lessons to plan... really Im lying its 7pm and I am going to bed!

Happy Wednesday!


  1. yay for loving it! keep that cheesy grin on your face :) haha. glad its going so well, but hell no i would not be wearing heels either haha.

  2. I am so happy for you! Keep up the good work and you will get that position!

  3. OMG... That gif of those girls walking in heels. That was me at my husbands Christmas COMPANY party! IN FRONT OF HIS FUCKING CO WORKERS!! I swear I wasn't drunk!!!!!

  4. I am totally old, too. After work I just want to lay on the couch, watch the Kardashians and eat massive amounts of chocolate. (I def also have PMS. Ha!)

  5. haha Im old too! So glad you are enjoying the new job!

  6. Hahaha... I remember dressing for success at the start of a new job and then settling in to comfort! I am old too... don't sweat it!

  7. I have thrown my back out sneezing before, you have to be careful with that shit!

    I am glad you are happy teaching!!!

  8. Love the new look... I am so behind I need to go back like a month because I feel I have missed a lot about you. YAY- to being a teacher Congrats!

  9. You are so funny!

    I'm glad things are going well and that you're enjoying teaching! I know it's a big transition, but you'll get adjusted soon enough.

  10. It's always good to be happy. No matter what it is we're happy about.

  11. I am so happy for you that you got a teaching job!!!! I know how badly you wanted that and it is amazing that it finally happened!

  12. Lol, I felt like a granny because I bent over to pick up a piece of paper while subbing and then something popped in my neck and I could barley move for 2 days. Hope your back feels better!

  13. I've thrown my back out just by getting up out of bed before. Or standing still. How does that happen?

  14. I love this! I was a waitress for 3 years, then a cna for 5, now I have an office job and when I first started I was all- I'm going to wear heels and pencils skirts! Now, I'm all- Nope. They can't see the lower half of my body 3/4 of my day, so you're lucky I put on pants and it's strictly flat to no shoe :)

  15. Congrats on the teaching job! So happy you're enjoying it!

  16. love the new layout. did i tell you that before? i do.

    anyway, i cannot walk in heels. i don't even own a pair :( i'm more of a wedge girl

    Vodka and Soda

  17. I'm at the point where I don't even purchase a shoe if the heel is more than 5". How the hell did I party all night in six inch stilettos before? Ugh.

    Hooray for loving it! So glad you're happy!!!


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